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cylinder in geometry, a surface or volume described by a straight line tracing a closed curve, esp. a circle, at a fixed angle, usu. a right angle, in two parallel planes. [1/5 definitions]
decastere a unit of volume equal to ten steres or cubic meters or 13.079 cubic yards.
decistere a unit of volume equal to one tenth of a stere or cubic meter or 3.532 cubic feet.
dense difficult to understand because of complexity or volume of detail. [1/4 definitions]
density the ratio of mass to volume. [2/4 definitions]
die away of a sound, to reduce in volume gradually.
displacement the weight or volume of fluid displaced by a floating object, esp. the amount of water displaced by a ship. [1/4 definitions]
dry measure a system of units for measuring the volume of dry things such as grains or fruits.
dynamic of or related to variations in the intensity or volume of musical sound. [1/5 definitions]
dynamics (used with a pl. verb) variation in the intensity or volume of musical sound. [1/3 definitions]
elevate to increase in degree or volume. [1/4 definitions]
enlarge to increase the size, volume, or amount of; cause to be larger. [2/5 definitions]
face cord a unit of volume used for fuel wood, equal to about to one third of a cord, or about forty cubic feet.
folio a large book or volume, esp. one more than thirty centimeters in height, that is made up of such folded sheets. [1/6 definitions]
hematocrit a centrifuge used to separate the cells of the blood from the plasma and thus determine the relative volume of each.
loud of sound, having an elevated volume; easily heard. [2/6 definitions]
mensuration the branch of geometry concerned with measuring length, area, and volume. [1/2 definitions]
metric system an international system of weights and measures based on the number ten, in which the basic units are the meter for length, the gram for weight, and the liter for volume.
miniaturize to make extremely compact or small, esp. in order to reduce volume or weight, or increase efficiency in other ways. [1/2 definitions]
modulation a change in the volume or tone of voice to reflect a particular emotion or context. [1/3 definitions]
multivolume combined form of volume.