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cytomegalovirus any of a group of herpesviruses typically causing mild symptoms or no symptoms in healthy individuals, but capable of causing potentially life-threatening symptoms, including pneumonia and brain inflammation, in newborns and immunocompromised individuals, abbreviated CMV.
darn2 (informal) used as a mild form of damned or cursed; darned. [2/4 definitions]
darned (informal) damned or cursed in a mild way; darn. [1/2 definitions]
deuce2 (informal) the devil (used only as a mild form of swearing).
doldrums a period or mood of inactivity, listlessness, or mild depression. [1/2 definitions]
dumps (informal) a mental state characterized by unhappiness and mild depression.
Edam a hard, mild, yellow cheese formed in rounds and usu. covered with red wax.
egad (old fashioned) a mild oath used to express surprise or enthusiasm.
farmer cheese a mild cheese pressed from whole milk, somewhat like cottage cheese but firmer and drier.
gee2 used as a mild exclamation of wonder or surprise.
genial mild, pleasant, or comfortable. [1/2 definitions]
gentle gradual or mild; not steep or abrupt. [1/7 definitions]
German measles a mild contagious viral disease, characterized by swollen glands, fever, and a rash, and dangerous to fetuses in the first three months of pregnancy.
get off to escape being punished for something, or receive only mild punishment for something one has done; be acquitted. [1/10 definitions]
golly used as an exclamation of mild surprise, wonder, puzzlement, or the like.
Gouda a mild, yellow, semisoft cheese, usu. coated in red wax.
Gruyère a mild, pale yellow cheese of Switzerland.
hey used to draw attention or to show surprise, mild delight, or annoyance.
histoplasmosis a mild infection or severe disease caused by a fungus taken into the body, sometimes attacking various organs or the nervous system.
hives (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a mild illness characterized by the eruption of small, itchy bumps on the skin, often as an allergic reaction.
honestly used to express surprise or mild shock. [1/2 definitions]