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darn1 to mend, esp. by weaving thread or yarn over a hole in fabric. [1/2 definitions]
dart a tapered, stitched tuck in a piece of fabric, esp. clothing. [1/6 definitions]
delaine in former times, a light wool or wool and cotton fabric. [1/2 definitions]
denim a finer grade of the same fabric used in upholstery. [1/3 definitions]
diamanté a bright and glittering ornamentation, or fabric covered with such ornamentation. [1/2 definitions]
diaphanous of fabric or the like, almost transparent; sheer; filmy; delicate. [1/2 definitions]
dimity a sheer fabric, usu. of cotton, woven with a fine stripe or check of heavier thread.
dope any of various products resembling varnish, used to waterproof and reinforce fabric or paper, as on balloons or model airplane wings. [1/7 definitions]
dotted swiss a crisp cotton fabric with woven or embroidered dots, used for blouses and curtains.
double-knit a fabric, usu. synthetic, knit on a machine with two sets of needles so that, as the two single-knit fabrics are produced, they are also woven together to form a double thickness. [2 definitions]
drape to arrange (clothing, curtains, or other fabric) in attractive folds. [3/6 definitions]
drapery fabric; cloth. [1/3 definitions]
drawn work ornamentation of fabric produced by drawing out threads and creating a lacy effect.
drawstring a cord or the like that is drawn through a sewn channel in fabric and pulled so as to tighten or close an opening, as of pants, a bag, or the like.
drill3 a sturdy twilled fabric, usu. of cotton.
duck3 a very strong fabric made of cotton or linen and resembling canvas. [1/2 definitions]
duffel coat a hooded knee-length overcoat with frog fasteners that is usu. made of a sturdy wool fabric such as duffel or loden.
dungaree a heavy, coarse cotton fabric, usu. blue; denim. [1/3 definitions]
dust ruffle a floor-length decorative ruffle, usu. made of a light fabric such as cotton, that hangs from a mattress around three or four sides of a bed.
duvetyn a napped fabric of cotton, silk, wool, or rayon that has a twilled weave.
dyeing the process or art of using dye to color fabric.