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deliberative organized or convened to debate issues formally for the purpose of determining policy. [1/2 definitions]
Department of Defense the U.S. federal department of the executive branch of government responsible for national security, military policy, and military forces. The Department of Defense includes the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
desegregation the act, result, or policy of eliminating segregation, esp. of racial or ethnic groups.
deterrence the policy of amassing sufficient offensive nuclear weapons to deter a potential enemy from attacking. [1/2 definitions]
doctrine a stated governmental policy that underpins a nation's dealings with other nations. [1/3 definitions]
dollar diplomacy a U.S. government policy of promoting national interests by encouraging investment abroad, or of using governmental power or influence to protect and promote such private investment. [1/2 definitions]
double indemnity a provision in a life or accident insurance policy that twice the face value of the contract will be paid in the event of accidental death.
dove1 one who advocates peace or a policy of conciliation and opposes war or aggressive policies. (Cf. hawk1.) [1/4 definitions]
editor in chief the editor who has the final authority to make policy decisions and supervises the other editors at a publishing house or on a specific publication.
editorship editorial policy or guidance. [1/2 definitions]
endorsement an alteration to the original terms of an insurance policy or other contract. [1/3 definitions]
endowment policy a type of insurance policy in which the insured receives a certain amount of money upon the policy's expiration, or the beneficiaries receive the money if the insured dies before the specified time.
expansionism the policy of encroaching on other territories or countries for political or economic advantage.
fine print the part of a document, such as a contract or policy, that is set apart from the rest by smaller type, or is deliberately written to obscure some possibly disadvantageous aspect.
fine-tune to make necessary adjustments for the improvement or effectiveness of (a program, policy, action, or the like). [1/2 definitions]
floater an insurance policy for property in transit or frequently moved. [1/4 definitions]
foreign office in some nations, the government department officially concerned with foreign policy.
glasnost an official Russian policy of openness and candor in social and political discussions.
globalism the policy or attitude of putting global or worldwide concerns before national ones.
gradualism the belief, principle, or policy of attaining a change in something, such as political structure, through slow stages rather than drastic steps.
gun control the practice or policy of enacting and enforcing laws that impose stricter regulations on the sale, possession, and use of guns.