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demur to object or indicate opposition to something. [1/3 definitions]
disjunctive in grammar, of or denoting a word or phrase that indicates opposition or alternatives, as "but," "or," and "in contrast to". [1/5 definitions]
flak (informal) irritating opposition, criticism, or dissent. [1/2 definitions]
gridlock a stoppage of all progress in a negotiation resulting from the opposition of equally strong adversaries. [1/2 definitions]
head-to-head in direct, often individual confrontation or opposition.
hostility resistance or opposition. [1/3 definitions]
however in spite of that; yet; but (used to point out the contrast between or opposition of ideas in a sentence or between adjacent sentences). [1/5 definitions]
Mennonite any member of an evangelical Protestant Christian sect founded in the Netherlands in the sixteenth century, characterized by simple living and by opposition to military service and to holding public office. [1/2 definitions]
negative characterized by opposition; resistant. [2/14 definitions]
nonresistant one who does not resist, esp. one who refuses to use violence or force either in self-defense or in opposition to arbitrary or illegal authority. [1/2 definitions]
object to put forth in opposition. [1/7 definitions]
objection the act of expressing disapproval or opposition, or the disapproval or opposition that is felt. [2/3 definitions]
obscurantism active opposition to intellectual enlightenment, esp. by withholding knowledge from the public. [1/2 definitions]
patient having or showing forbearance when faced with opposition or challenge from others. [1/7 definitions]
persevere to continue steadfastly in a task or course of action or hold steadfastly to a belief or commitment, esp. when met with opposition or difficulties; persist.
persistent continuing, lasting, or holding on, despite opposition or difficulties. [1/3 definitions]
pit1 to place in opposition; encourage antagonism between. [1/14 definitions]
push on to persist in one's efforts despite obstacles or opposition.
react to respond in opposition to some act, force, or condition (often fol by "against"). [1/4 definitions]
rebut to put forth evidence or arguments in opposition; make a formal response in a debate. [1/3 definitions]
reluctant displaying resistance or opposition. [1/2 definitions]