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Dewar flask a thermos container with a vacuum between, and a reflective surface on the interior of, its double walls, used esp. to store liquefied gases at constant temperatures.
di-1 two; double; twice.
diesis see "double dagger."
diplopia a vision disorder in which two images of the same object are seen, also called double vision.
double-breasted having the sides overlap each other by a wide margin on the breast or front, and usu. having a double vertical row of buttons, as a jacket or coat. (Cf. single-breasted.) [1/2 definitions]
double-date to participate in a double date.
double-knit a fabric, usu. synthetic, knit on a machine with two sets of needles so that, as the two single-knit fabrics are produced, they are also woven together to form a double thickness. [1/2 definitions]
double-quick see "double time." [2/4 definitions]
double-reed any double-reed woodwind instrument. [1/2 definitions]
double-stop the two tones produced by playing a double-stop, or their graphic representation; chord. [1/2 definitions]
double-talk to achieve or persuade by double-talk. [1/3 definitions]
double-time to move or play in double time.
doubly to twice the extent or degree; with double the effort or emphasis.
dual of or relating to two, esp. having two, often identical, components, people, sections, or the like; double. [1/2 definitions]
duple twofold; double; duplex. [1/2 definitions]
duplex having two parts; twofold; double. [1/3 definitions]
duplicate to cause to double in size. [2/7 definitions]
duplicitous deceitful, treacherous, or double-dealing.
Dutchman's-breeches an herb of eastern North America with finely divided leaves and yellow, pink, or whitish double-spurred flowers.
English horn a double-reed woodwind instrument that resembles the oboe but is larger and lower in pitch.
extra-base hit in baseball, a double, triple, or home run.