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DEW line a line of radar stations, located along the seventieth parallel in Canada and the United States, that provides advance notice of approaching hostile aircraft or missiles (acronym for "distant early warning").
discount to lend or advance money on (commercial paper payable in the future) with interest deducted in advance. [3/12 definitions]
down1 paid in advance, usu. as a first installment. [1/21 definitions]
dribble in sports, to advance a ball or puck by rapid, short bounces, kicks, or pushes. [1/8 definitions]
drop in to come for a casual visit, often without arranging to in advance (often fol. by "on").
edge to advance or cause to advance by small degrees. [2/10 definitions]
encourage to stimulate or promote; advance. [1/4 definitions]
engaged reserved in advance or presently occupied. [1/4 definitions]
expect to know or feel sure of in advance; believe certain or likely to happen. [1/6 definitions]
fair catch in football, a catch of a punt whereby the receiver, in order not to be tackled, signals that no attempt will be made to advance with the ball.
familiarity impertinent or presumptuous intimacy, esp. a sexual advance. [1/3 definitions]
fast1 in advance of the correct time. [1/12 definitions]
football (chiefly British) a game in which two teams of eleven players attempt to advance a ball into an opposing goal by kicking or striking it with body parts other than the hands and arms; soccer. [1/4 definitions]
foray a quick raid or sudden advance, usu. military and often to take forage or plunder. [1/3 definitions]
foretaste a partial, advance experience or realization of something that will come or happen in the future. [2 definitions]
foretell to tell of in advance; prophesy; forecast. [1/2 definitions]
forewarn to give advance warning to.
forward being in advance. [2/13 definitions]
front money money that is paid in advance, esp. to start a project.
further to advance or help make progress. [1/7 definitions]
gain ground to advance or gain acceptance.