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disagreeable causing dislike or offense; unpleasant. [1/2 definitions]
discord harsh or unpleasant combining of musical sounds, or any jarring sound; dissonance; discordance. [1/3 definitions]
discordant harsh or unpleasant in sound. [1/2 definitions]
displease to cause annoyance, disappointment, or dissatisfaction; be unpleasant. [1/2 definitions]
distasteful unpleasant or offensive.
dose an amount of something unpleasant that must be taken or endured. [1/6 definitions]
dreadful terribly bad or unpleasant. [1/2 definitions]
drudgery hard, boring, menial, or unpleasant work.
entangle to involve, as in a difficult, complex, or unpleasant situation. [1/3 definitions]
escape avoidance of, or a way in which to avoid, an unpleasant or event or situation. [1/11 definitions]
euphemism the substitution of a milder, vaguer, or pleasanter word or expression for one considered to be offensive or unpleasant. [1/2 definitions]
eyesore something that is unpleasant or offensive to look at, esp. something that mars an otherwise pleasing view.
flinch to retreat from or avoid something unpleasant, fearsome, or difficult. [1/3 definitions]
fraught accompanied by; full of, usually something bad or unpleasant (usu. fol. by "with"). [1/2 definitions]
get back at to do something bad or unpleasant to (someone) in return for something bad or unpleasant that this person has done to one previously.
glutton someone who exhibits an unusual readiness to undergo or withstand something, esp. something hard or unpleasant. [1/2 definitions]
grotty (chiefly British; informal) very shabby, unpleasant, or dirty. [1/2 definitions]
grungy (slang) dirty, messy, run-down; unpleasant.
hack2 one who is hired to do routine or unpleasant tasks, esp. a writer hired to produce uncreative and unimaginative work; drudge. [1/10 definitions]
hangover the unpleasant aftereffects, such as headache or nausea, of drinking too much alcohol, usu. experienced after sleep.
harsh rough and unpleasant to the senses, esp. hearing. [2/3 definitions]