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distress a state of extreme need or trouble. [1/4 definitions]
do the ironing to press with a hot iron those clothes or other materials that are in need of pressing.
enough adequate to satisfy a requirement or need; sufficient. [2/6 definitions]
fill to fully satisfy (a need or desire). [1/9 definitions]
food bank a place where food is collected and distributed to those who are in need. [1/2 definitions]
get behind to be late in doing things that continually need to be done, or to not make the amount of progress that one plans or needs to make; not keep to the expected or necessary pace (often fol. by "in").
go around to fill the specific need for something (usu. used in the infinitive form). [1/2 definitions]
go without saying to be so clearly true or evident that there is no need to mention (something); used to emphasize one's certainty about or the obviousness of something.
guzzle to drink or eat rapidly and in large gulps, as if greedy or in great need. [1/3 definitions]
have pity to feel sympathy or compassion for one who is suffering or in need, often leading one to engage in some act of mercy or kindness (usu. fol. by "on" or "for").
hoarding the action of accumulating and saving money or goods as provision against future need, especially in a secretive and guarded fashion. [1/2 definitions]
hunger the need or desire for food. [2/5 definitions]
hungry feeling a need or desire for food. [1/5 definitions]
imperative something that is necessary or very important; obligation; need. [1/6 definitions]
in a hurry feeling a strong need to move quickly to do something. [1/2 definitions]
last-minute suddenly occurring or seeming to need doing at a point where there is little remaining time to consider or take action.
lifesaver (informal) a person or thing that provides aid or offers help in time of need. [1/2 definitions]
makeshift temporary or improvised to meet a need. [1/2 definitions]
Mayday the international radiotelephone distress signal, used by ships and aircraft in need of help.
meet1 to fulfill (a need, demand or the like). [1/13 definitions]
misery a state of need and suffering caused by poverty, illness, or other misfortune. [1/3 definitions]