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don2 to put on (an article of clothing); dress oneself in. [1/2 definitions]
editorial an article or commentary, as in a newspaper or on television, that expresses an opinion or viewpoint. [1/3 definitions]
editorialize to express opinions in an article that purports to be factual. [1/2 definitions]
enchase to decorate (an article), as by engraving or inlaying. [1/2 definitions]
erratum an error in printing, often noted and corrected in an addendum that is printed afterwards and inserted in new printings of the book or article.
feature a magazine or newspaper article that is given special prominence. [1/9 definitions]
felt2 a non-woven fabric made of matted, compressed animal fibers, another matted fabric resembling it, or an article made of it. [1/6 definitions]
foist to pass off (a false or worthless article) as authentic, valuable, or worthy (usu. fol. by "off"). [1/2 definitions]
forfeit an article that is held until a fine is paid. [1/6 definitions]
function word a word such as an article, conjunction, or preposition that indicates grammatical structure or relationships but has little or no independent meaning.
glut to supply (a market) with much more of a particular article than there is demand for. [1/5 definitions]
hallmark an official mark or stamp used in England to certify that a gold or silver article meets established standards of purity. [1/4 definitions]
hand-me-down used clothing or some other article passed on to someone, as from an older brother or sister. [2/4 definitions]
headline the title to a newspaper article or piece, esp. the largest or most prominent title. [1/4 definitions]
ibidem in the same place (Latin); in the same reference previously cited (used in footnotes and bibliographies to indicate that a citation comes from the same book, article, page, or the like as the previous citation). (abbr.: ibid.)
idem (Latin) the same as that previously mentioned (used in footnotes and bibliographies to indicate that a citation comes from the same book, article, page, or the like as the previous citation).
ivory an article such as a carving that is made of this or a similar substance. [1/7 definitions]
linage the number of lines of print in an article, advertisement, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
-lith stone article or structure. [1/2 definitions]
mesh a fabric or article made of material woven to form meshes. [1/8 definitions]
moleskin (usu. pl.) an article of clothing, esp. trousers, made of this fabric. [1/3 definitions]