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dotty1 (informal) eccentric, weak-minded, or a little crazy; daft. [1/4 definitions]
downhill requiring little effort; easy. [1/5 definitions]
drop by to come for a casual and usually brief visit or errand, generally with little or no planning and often on one's way to somewhere else.
dusky having little light; dim. [1/2 definitions]
dwarf a magical character of legends, usu. portrayed as an ugly and oddly-shaped little man. [1/7 definitions]
easily with little doubt. [1/2 definitions]
economical wasting little; thrifty; frugal.
efficient operating or performing in an effective and competent manner, with little waste of effort or resources. [1/2 definitions]
efficiently in an effective and competent manner, with little waste of effort or resources.
effortless requiring or appearing to require little or no effort; easy.
empty calories food or drink that provides calories but little or no nutritional value.
extemporaneous of a speech, delivered with little or no reference to notes or prepared text. [2/4 definitions]
facile achieved with little or no effort, [1/3 definitions]
farthing something of little or no value. [1/2 definitions]
fast2 to eat very little food or to cease eating specific foods, esp. for religious or political reasons. [2/4 definitions]
fine-grained having little or no visible grain, as a photograph. [1/2 definitions]
fling a brief love affair, usu. with little or no emotional significance. [1/8 definitions]
floss silky thread with little twist used esp. in embroidery work. [1/5 definitions]
fluff something light, insubstantial, or of little consequence. [1/7 definitions]
follower one with little initiative; one who imitates someone else. [1/4 definitions]
frizz of hair, to form or be formed into tight little curls or tufts. [1/3 definitions]