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dumdum a bullet designed to cause serious damage by expanding as it hits the target.
eco-friendly designed to cause minimal damage to the environment.
El Niņo an unusually warm Pacific Ocean current that develops near the International Date Line in the center of the ocean and flows east toward Peru and then south along the coast of South America. El Niņo events, which occur every two to seven years approximately, are associated with various negative impacts including damage to the livelihoods of those dependent on fishing and disturbance to regional and global weather patterns, which in turn can increase the incidence of disease and the frequency of destructive weather events.
environmental law the body of laws concerned with protecting the environment from damage caused by human activity, as well as with preserving natural resources and enabling sustainable development.
fire insurance insurance against loss or damage of property caused by a fire.
fireproof difficult or impossible to damage or destroy with fire. [1/2 definitions]
flash burn damage to body tissue from extreme radiated heat, esp. from a nuclear explosion.
flesh wound a wound that does not damage vital organs or bones.
flooding the flowing of great amounts of water over a normally dry area, often causing damage.
frost to damage or kill by frost. [1/9 definitions]
frostbite damage to tissue of the body by freezing. [1/2 definitions]
gall2 to damage or make sore by rubbing or chafing. [1/5 definitions]
gribble any of several small saltwater crustaceans that bore into wood underwater, often causing great damage.
hack1 to damage or mutilate by cutting and rearranging (often fol. by "up"). [1/12 definitions]
hard marked by the ability to cause pain or do damage; severe; harsh. [1/11 definitions]
harm injury or damage, either psychological or physical. [2/3 definitions]
heart attack a sudden stoppage of the blood supply to the heart that causes damage to the heart muscle, as in coronary thrombosis; heart failure.
hurt to cause physical damage, pain, or impairment to. [3/8 definitions]
impair to weaken, damage, or cause to diminish in value or quality.
indemnify to make compensation to for loss, damage, or expense incurred. [1/2 definitions]
indemnity insurance against damage, loss, or liability. [2/3 definitions]