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earmark an identifying mark made on the ear of an animal such as a cow. [2/4 definitions]
earphone the part of a telephone, radio set, music player or the like that fits over or into the ear for receiving sound.
earplug a rubber or plastic plug that fits into the ear opening to deaden sound or keep out water.
ear shell the ear-shaped shell of the abalone.
earwax the waxy brownish yellow substance produced in the passage of the outer ear; cerumen.
euphonious characterized by euphony; pleasing to the ear.
Eustachian tube a passage connecting the middle ear with the throat; auditory canal.
face the part of the head that extends from the forehead to the chin and from ear to ear. [1/11 definitions]
fenestration an opening in a structure, esp. a surgical opening made in the ear labyrinth to restore hearing. [1/2 definitions]
harmony in music, the simultaneous production of notes causing a blending of sounds that is pleasant to the ear. [1/4 definitions]
husk a usu. dry outer covering of some seeds and fruits, esp. of an ear of corn. [1/3 definitions]
incus the small middle bone of the mammalian middle ear, shaped like an anvil.
inner ear the part of the ear inside the skull, which includes the vestibule, the cochlea, and the semicircular canals, and plays a role in hearing and in maintaining balance.
labyrinth the internal ear or its structures. [1/3 definitions]
labyrinthitis an inflammation of the inner ear, often affecting the sense of balance.
lobe a rounded projection, such as that at the base of the ear. [1/2 definitions]
malleus the outermost and largest of the three small bones in the middle ear of mammals.
mastoid of or pertaining to the lower portion of the bone behind the ear in humans and other vertebrates. [2/3 definitions]
mastoid process the posterior part of the temporal bone that is located behind the inner ear, having attachment points for muscle and openings for the passage of blood vessels.
mealie in South Africa, corn or maize, or an ear of such.
meatus a passage or duct within the body, or the external opening of such a passage, as of the ear or urethra.