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earn to gain through merit. [2/4 definitions]
engage to gain or hold the interest of; occupy. [2/11 definitions]
enter to gain admission to; enroll. [1/11 definitions]
evangelist a person who works to gain converts to an evangelical church, esp. a minister who travels about or broadcasts his or her preaching widely. [1/3 definitions]
field trip a trip or excursion to a place, often by a group of students or the like, to gain firsthand information, knowledge, or experience.
fraud one who uses deceit or trickery to gain advantage; cheat; impostor. [1/3 definitions]
gainful producing profit or gain; lucrative.
gain ground to advance or gain acceptance.
gambit a tactic or maneuver designed to gain an advantage, esp. one that involves some sacrifice on one's part. [2/3 definitions]
get to gain; obtain; acquire. [1/17 definitions]
go for all the marbles (slang) to risk a great deal hoping for a big gain.
gold digger (informal) a woman who forms attachments to men chiefly for material gain from them. [1/2 definitions]
go through to gain final and official approval. [1/7 definitions]
graft2 the act or procedure of obtaining financial gain illegally or unethically as a result of one's position of power or influence, esp. in government. [2/4 definitions]
here used to gain attention, offer assistance, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
ingratiating intended or done to gain approval or favor. [1/2 definitions]
invest to put money into use to gain profit or interest. [1/4 definitions]
ion an atom, group of atoms, or molecule that bears a positive electric charge as a result of electron loss or a negative charge as a result of electron gain. [1/2 definitions]
killing (informal) a huge and sudden monetary gain. [1/5 definitions]
labor of love a task or kind of work that one does out of altruism or interest, rather than for financial gain.
land (informal) to bring about, as a gain or success. [1/12 definitions]