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Dictionary Suite
eastbound going toward the east.
excess the state or an instance of going beyond what is required, expected, or considered reasonable. [1/5 definitions]
exit the act of going out; departure. [1/7 definitions]
flagrante delicto (Latin) while the crime is blazing; while the crime is going on; red-handed. [1/2 definitions]
flight1 an instance of going beyond ordinary limits. [1/6 definitions]
foreboding a strong feeling or a portent, usu. that something bad is going to happen. [1/2 definitions]
get by to survive or keep going at the most basic level.
git1 (informal; sometimes offensive) Now go! Get out of here, now! Get going! (used alone and in command form only). [1/2 definitions]
go1 the act of going. [1/28 definitions]
go along to join others in going somewhere; accompany. [1/2 definitions]
gold medal the award for winning first place in an Olympic or other competition, with silver and bronze medals going to second and third place winners.
gonna contraction of "going to" used in some types of writing to reflect how the two words of the expression "be going to" are often pronounced in rapid, informal speech.
hawk2 to offer (goods) for sale by crying out or going from place to place.
hawker2 a person who tries to sell goods by crying out or going from place to place; peddler.
hemimetabolous not going through a complete metamorphosis, as certain insects that do not go through a pupal stage.
hold back to restrain (someone or something); prevent from going forth or coming out. [1/5 definitions]
hold on to keep oneself going; survive; endure. [1/5 definitions]
hold over to keep (something) going longer than planned originally. [1/2 definitions]
homing going or returning home; homeward bound. [1/2 definitions]
ingoing going in; entering.
ingress the act of going in. [1/3 definitions]