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echidna any of several small, insect-eating, egg-laying mammals of the Australian region that have a long slender snout and a spiny, bristly coat; spiny anteater.
entomo- insect.
exterminator a person or business employed to destroy insect or rodent pests in buildings. [1/2 definitions]
facet one of the corneal divisions in a compound eye, as in an insect. [1/4 definitions]
femur the third segment of an insect leg. [1/2 definitions]
flea any similar insect or crustacean that moves like the flea. [1/2 definitions]
fly2 an artificial insect made of various materials tied onto a hook, used to lure fish. [1/3 definitions]
forewing either of the forward wings of an insect having four wings; anterior wing.
gall3 an abnormal swelling or growth on a plant, caused by an insect, injury, bacterium, or the like.
gecko any of various small, soft-skinned, insect-eating lizards that have a short body, large head, and suction pads on the feet and are found in tropical and subtropical regions.
grub the slow-moving, wormlike larva of a beetle or similar insect. [1/8 definitions]
halter2 either of a pair of club-shaped appendages that form rudimentary hind wings on an insect, such as the fly or mosquito, and serve to maintain its balance in flight.
hedgehog any one of several small, insect-eating mammals having spiny hairs or quills on the back and sides that protect the animal, esp. when it rolls itself into a ball. [1/2 definitions]
hexapod any insect. [1/2 definitions]
homopteran a homopterous insect.
horned toad any of several insect-eating lizards of western North America and Mexico, having spiny scales covering the body and hornlike spines on the head.
hymenopteran any insect of a large group including bees, wasps, and ants, many of whose members have two pairs of transparent wings, live in colonies, and have biting or sucking mouths. [1/2 definitions]
ichneumon fly any of various winged, wasplike insects whose larvae live as parasites in other insect larvae; ichneumon wasp.
imago a sexually mature insect. [1/2 definitions]
insectivore any of a group of insect-eating mammals that includes moles, shrews, and hedgehogs. [1/2 definitions]
kermes an evergreen oak tree of the Mediterranean on which this insect is found. [1/3 definitions]