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edict an order or decree proclaimed by a ruler or other of high authority.
emperor the supreme male ruler of an empire.
empire a single political unit, with one supreme ruler, composed of an aggregate of nations or peoples. [1/4 definitions]
empress the supreme female ruler of an empire. [1/2 definitions]
god (cap.) the omnipotent and omniscient being that is worshiped by Christians, Jews, and Muslims as the creator and ruler of the universe. [1/6 definitions]
Gordian knot in Greek legend, a knot tied by King Gordius of Phrygia and cut by Alexander the Great, after an oracle had said it could be untied only by the next ruler of Asia. [1/2 definitions]
hakim2 a Muslim judge, ruler, or governor.
imperial1 of or pertaining to an empire or its ruler. [2/5 definitions]
imperious like or in the manner of an absolute ruler in expecting obedience; domineering. [1/2 definitions]
interregnum any period when a state is without a ruler or when the usual functions of government are suspended. [1/3 definitions]
khan1 the ruler of the Tatars and Mongols in medieval times. [1/2 definitions]
kingmaker a person who is powerful enough to select, or influence the selection of, a political candidate or ruler.
lese majesty a crime against or affront to the dignity of a ruler, sovereign, or head of state. [1/2 definitions]
maharajah an Indian sovereign, esp. the ruler of one of the major states.
monarch a sole, often hereditary ruler such as a king, queen, or emperor. [1/2 definitions]
monarchy government by a ruler such as a king or queen, or in the name of such monarch, whose power is either absolute or limited by a constitution. [1/3 definitions]
overlord a ruler of other people or of other rulers. [1/2 definitions]
potentate a person of great power, such as a ruler.
praise the glorification of a god, ruler, or other object of worship, esp. with song. [2/4 definitions]
prince formerly, a king; presently, the ruler of a small state or principality. [1/4 definitions]
queen a female ruler or monarch. [1/5 definitions]