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elect to select as the person to accomplish a particular task, usually through a process of voting. [1/8 definitions]
entrust to assign or hand over something or some task to (a person, group, or the like) as a responsibility. [1/2 definitions]
equip to furnish with necessary tools or means to accomplish a task. [1/2 definitions]
exercise a specially designed task, often one that is performed repeatedly, aimed at developing particular strengths or skills. [1/10 definitions]
exonerate to release from a task or obligation. [1/2 definitions]
faculty capacity or ability, as to do a certain task or to think in a certain way. [1/3 definitions]
finesse refined and delicate skill or tact in executing a task or coping with a situation. [1/3 definitions]
focus to concentrate (attention or efforts) on a central point or task. [1/9 definitions]
footwork travel on foot that is required in doing some job or task; legwork. [1/3 definitions]
gang1 a group of workers who perform some common, usu. manual, task; squad. [1/3 definitions]
get on to proceed in carrying out a task; get along. [1/5 definitions]
get through to finish a project, task, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
give someone a hand to help (someone) with a particular task.
grub to engage in an arduous or tedious task; drudge. [1/8 definitions]
hatchet man a person assigned to carry out a disagreeable or unscrupulous task for a superior. [1/3 definitions]
have a whack at (informal) to attempt (a task or action); try.
helper an assistant who helps in some task or activity.
implement something used in order to accomplish a particular thing, esp. a tool, device, or instrument to perform a task. [1/4 definitions]
job a specific task or piece of work. [3/11 definitions]
know-how (informal) the specialized knowledge needed to perform a certain task.
labor of love a task or kind of work that one does out of altruism or interest, rather than for financial gain.