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electroporation in genetics, a method of introducing foreign DNA into a cell by means of an electric pulse that makes the cell membrane more permeable.
endocarditis inflammation of the thin membrane lining the inside of the heart.
endometrial of or pertaining to the mucous membrane that lines the uterus.
endometrium the membrane that lines the uterus.
eukaryote an organism composed of a cell or cells that contain a membrane-bound nucleus. (Cf. prokaryote.)
fontanel any of the soft openings, covered by a membrane, between the incomplete skull bones of fetuses, infants, and young animals.
frenum a membrane or fold of skin, such as that under the tongue, that controls or restrains the movement of a body part.
hymen a fold of mucous membrane that partly closes the outer opening of the vagina.
integument something that covers, coats, or encloses, esp. a skin, membrane, coat, or other natural covering.
intermembrane combined form of membrane.
iris the colored, round membrane surrounding the pupil of the eye. [1/2 definitions]
lacrimal bone the thin membrane bone that forms the front part of the inner wall of each eye socket, near the tear glands.
lamella a thin flat plate, scale, membrane, blade, or layer of bone or tissue, such as is found in or forms the gills of bivalve mollusks and mushrooms.
ligule a thin membrane attached to the base of the blade of most grasses. [1/2 definitions]
mesentery the membrane that encloses the small intestine and connects it to the spinal wall of the abdomen.
middle ear the central part of the ear, consisting of the eardrum or tympanic membrane and a cavity containing three small bones.
mucosa a membrane that secretes mucus, lining all body parts that are in direct or indirect contact with the exterior.
mucous membrane a lubricating membrane that lines various surfaces or organs, as of the respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary tracts.
mucus a viscid substance that is secreted by the lubricating membrane that lines bodily passages and organs, and that acts as a moist, protective coating of their walls.
nautilus any of several related mollusks of the Indian or South Pacific Ocean, having a spiral, chambered shell lined with a pearly membrane; chambered nautilus; pearly nautilus.
nictitating membrane a thin, transparent membrane that forms an inner eyelid on birds, reptiles, and some mammals, that can be closed to keep the eye clean and moist.