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emit to issue formally or officially, as a decree or currency. [1/3 definitions]
examine in law, to formally interrogate. [1/4 definitions]
grant to formally transfer or convey. [1/6 definitions]
inaugurate to start or initiate formally; introduce. [1/3 definitions]
initiation a set of ceremonies or rituals used to formally initiate someone into a club or society. [1/2 definitions]
inspect to look at critically and formally to determine compliance with regulations. [1/2 definitions]
invite to kindly or formally ask (someone) to do something. [1/5 definitions]
league1 an association or compact of nations, groups, or people, formally established to advance a common cause. [1/4 definitions]
League of Nations an international federation of nations founded in 1919 to promote world peace and cooperation, formally disbanded in 1946, and superseded by the United Nations.
license to grant a license to or for; formally and officially permit. [1/5 definitions]
madame a married woman, addressed formally or courteously. (abbr.: Mme.)
Mme. abbreviation of "Madame," a married woman, addressed formally or courteously.
notify to give notice to; tell or inform, esp. formally.
officially properly, according to an authority; formally.
order to command or formally instruct. [1/17 definitions]
overdress to dress too formally or too warmly for the circumstances. [1/2 definitions]
present2 to introduce formally. [1/7 definitions]
prim formally correct and decorous, often to excess.
pronounce to assert or declare formally or officially. [1/7 definitions]
Prot. abbreviation of "Protestant," any Christian who formally protested in 1529 against the decree that made submission to the authority of Rome mandatory for Christians, or who adhered to the principles of the Reformation. [1/2 definitions]
Protestant any Christian who formally protested in 1529 against the decree that made submission to the authority of Rome mandatory for Christians, or who adhered to the principles of the Reformation. [1/3 definitions]