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emphasize to give greater strength or importance to; stress. [1/2 definitions]
endurance the act, condition, or capacity of functioning under prolonged stress. [1/2 definitions]
enforce to maintain forcibly; stress. [1/3 definitions]
equanimity the quality of remaining calm, serene, or unruffled, esp. under stress; composure.
fatigue mechanical failure or breakdown because of stress. [2/8 definitions]
fraught causing or characterized by uneasiness, stress, or anxiety. [1/2 definitions]
G-force (often l.c.) a unit of inertial stress on a body that is subjected to rapid acceleration, equal to about thirty-two feet per second per second.
grave accent a diacritical mark (à), placed over a vowel to indicate length or low pitch, or to indicate secondary stress of a syllable. (Cf. acute accent.)
groan a deep creaking or grating sound produced by excessive stress on a structure, machine, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
heart rate the number of times the heart beats in one minute, esp. as a measure of how hard the heart is working during physical exercise or emotional stress; pulse.
ictus a metrical or rhythmical stress, as in poetry. [1/2 definitions]
intellectualize to consider or stress the rational or intellectual aspects of, esp. ignoring the emotional. [1/2 definitions]
intensive tending to stress or intensify. [1/5 definitions]
low-impact of or relating to a form of physical exercise that puts minimal stress on the body, esp. upon the joints. [1/2 definitions]
modulus a quantity representing the physical response of a material to an external stimulus, esp. mechanical stress. [1/2 definitions]
overstress combined form of stress.
Pentecostal of, pertaining to, or designating any of the usu. fundamentalist Christian sects that stress the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and seek to emulate the twelve Apostles at Pentecost. [1/2 definitions]
photoelasticity the characteristic of some transparent materials to be measured for strain by observing their double refraction of polarized light when placed under a mechanical stress.
phrase to read or say with deliberate or appropriate pauses or other vocal effects, such as stress or accent. [1/11 definitions]
piezoelectric of or pertaining to, or using electricity produced when stress is applied to certain materials.
primary accent the strongest stress or emphasis given to one syllable in a spoken word or to one word in an utterance; primary stress. [1/2 definitions]