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essential fundamental; necessary; indispensable. [1/4 definitions]
force of nature in physics, any one of the fundamental forces that occur in nature, including electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, and gravitational force. [1/3 definitions]
harmonics (used with a pl. verb) partial tones or overtones of a fundamental musical tone. [1/2 definitions]
inalienable rights fundamental rights that cannot be removed, surrendered, or transferred to another person. The Declaration of Independence identifies "life, liberty, and the pursuit of independence" as inalienable rights.
Koran the fundamental sacred text of Islam, believed to have been revealed to Muhammad by Allah and serving as the basis of Muslim religion, law, and secular conduct.
mores the behaviors and manners accepted and expected in a social group, embodying its fundamental moral standards.
nitty-gritty (informal) the fundamental elements, issues, details, or the like.
organic being an integral or fundamental part of a whole. [1/6 definitions]
overblow to play (a wind instrument) by blowing so as to sound higher overtones instead of the fundamental tone. [2/3 definitions]
photon the fundamental unit of electromagnetic energy with zero mass, no electrical charge, and a spin of one, usu. regarded as an elementary particle.
Planck's constant the fundamental constant in quantum mechanics that expresses the ratio of the radiant energy of one quantum to the frequency of radiation.
postulate a primary or fundamental principle. [1/7 definitions]
pragmatic a decree issued by a sovereign head that is adopted as fundamental law; pragmatic sanction. [1/4 definitions]
pragmatic sanction a royal decree that becomes or has the force of a fundamental law of the land.
primal first in importance; primary or fundamental. [1/2 definitions]
primary most basic or fundamental. [2/7 definitions]
prime fundamental; basic. [1/17 definitions]
primordial fundamental or original. [1/2 definitions]
pyrimidine an organic compound that is the fundamental form of certain bases that are constituents of nucleic acids. [1/2 definitions]
quantum bit a fundamental unit of information in quantum computing that is equivalent to the binary bit used in traditional computing; qubit. Whereas the binary bit can only exist in two states (0 or 1), the quantum bit can exist in three states (0, 1, or 0 and 1 simultaneously).
qubit a fundamental unit of information in quantum computing that is equivalent to the binary bit used in traditional computing; quantum bit. Whereas the binary bit can only exist in two states (0 or 1), the qubit can exist in three states (0, 1, or 0 and 1 simultaneously).