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excuse to make a polite statement that allows (oneself) to leave the presence of others without the feeling of acting rudely. [1/11 definitions]
face to face in the presence of each other; in person.
Geiger counter an instrument that detects radiation by means of a gas that ionizes when in the presence of radioactive emanations, and that also measures it by a device that counts the electrical pulses emitted by the ionized gas.
glacial of, concerning, coming from, or marked by the presence of glaciers or other large ice masses. [1/5 definitions]
hemophile a bacterium that develops in blood or in the presence of blood. [1/2 definitions]
immune system the bodily system of organs, tissues, cells, and cell products, which protects the body by detecting the presence of, and disabling, disease-causing agents in the body.
in person in one's actual physical presence.
in private in the view or presence only of the person or people concerned.
in public in the view or presence of other people, esp. the general public.
lonely empty of human presence; unfrequented; desolate. [1/4 definitions]
lonesome empty of human presence; unfrequented; deserted. [1/3 definitions]
low profile a manner or form designed not to attract attention; deliberately inconspicuous presence or activity.
meet1 to come into the company or presence of (someone) at a designated time and place. [1/13 definitions]
metal detector a device that detects and signals the presence of metal objects and is used to discover concealed weapons at a security point or locate buried coins and the like.
mononucleosis the presence of abnormal numbers of mononuclear leukocytes in the circulatory blood. [1/2 definitions]
permit to allow the entrance or the presence of. [1/5 definitions]
pigmentation the colored condition resulting from the use or presence of a pigment. [1/2 definitions]
poltergeist a supernatural presence that manifests itself by making noises and causing objects to move.
privacy the condition of being removed from the view or presence of other people. [1/3 definitions]
proteinuria the presence of excess protein in the urine.
purulent characterized by the presence or discharge of pus.