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fanjet a jet engine that uses an impeller fan to draw in more air than is needed for fuel combustion, the excess being mixed with the products of the combustion to form an exhaust jet that provides extra thrust; turbofan. [1/2 definitions]
fat useless excess. [1/10 definitions]
fluorosis an abnormal condition, such as mottling of teeth, caused by excess intake of fluoride compounds.
fuse2 a protective electrical device consisting of a connection that melts if excess heat is generated by too much current through the circuit, thereby breaking the circuit. [1/5 definitions]
glut to fill with an excess, esp. of food. [1/5 definitions]
go on used as a good-natured rejection of excess flattery, exaggeration, or teasing. [1/6 definitions]
gorge the action of eating to great excess. [2/6 definitions]
gourmand someone who takes great pleasure in eating and drinking, often to excess.
in moderation without excess; temperately.
melanism abnormally dark pigmentation, as caused by an excess of sun or certain skin disorders. [1/2 definitions]
over in excess of a limit. [3/29 definitions]
overbalance an excess of weight or quantity that results in an imbalance. [1/3 definitions]
overdevelop to develop too much or to excess.
overdo to do something to excess or to the point of exhaustion. [1/4 definitions]
overdraw to write a check on or attempt to withdraw funds from (an account) in excess of available funds or credit. [2/5 definitions]
overflow that which escapes containment because of overfilling; excess. [2/10 definitions]
overharvested (of crops or natural products used by humans) gathered in excess. [1/2 definitions]
overindulge to engage in some action or use something to excess; indulge too much. [1/2 definitions]
overkill an excess destructive capacity. [1/2 definitions]
overly to the point of excess; too.
overpower to provide or equip with excess mechanical power. [1/3 definitions]