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feast (often cap.) a periodic event or occasion, esp. a religious festival, commemorating some person or occurrence, such as a saint's day. [1/6 definitions]
feast day (often cap.) a periodic commemorative event or occasion, esp. a religious festival celebrating a saint or holy occurrence.
flicker1 a momentary appearance or occurrence. [1/5 definitions]
foreknow to know before the existence or occurrence of.
frequency the rate of occurrence of something. [1/3 definitions]
gape the action or an occurrence of gaping. [1/5 definitions]
happening something that happens; event; occurrence. [1/2 definitions]
harbinger someone or something that signals or foreshadows a later arrival or occurrence; herald; forerunner. [1/2 definitions]
hindsight the understanding of an occurrence, situation, or the like at a later time, esp. because of knowledge or experience gained subsequently.
in used to indicate inclusion within or occurrence during a period of time. [1/12 definitions]
incidence a befalling; occurrence. [1/3 definitions]
irregular uneven in occurrence, frequency, or duration. [1/10 definitions]
luck the supposed force behind the apparently causeless or random occurrence of an event or events; fortune; chance. [1/2 definitions]
malignity a malign act, feeling, or occurrence. [1/2 definitions]
misfortune an instance of bad luck; unfortunate occurrence. [1/2 definitions]
no1 an occurrence, in speech or writing, of the word "no". [1/7 definitions]
nonoccurrence combined form of occurrence.
novelty a new or different thing or occurrence. [1/3 definitions]
omen an occurrence that is believed to be a supernatural indicator of future good or evil. [1/3 definitions]
phenomenon a perceptible occurrence or fact. [2/3 definitions]
preamble an initial or introductory occurrence, fact, or situation. [1/3 definitions]