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finial a decorative element that points upward from the end or top of something, as from an arch, a piece of furniture, or a lampshade.
give someone the finger (slang) to express anger or contempt by extending the middle finger upward.
gradient sloping gradually and uniformly upward or downward. [1/4 definitions]
hammerlock a hold in which a wrestler pulls one arm of an opponent backward and twists it upward.
handstand an act of balancing the body on the hands with the feet extended upward.
hatchback a style of automobile in which the rear covering extends in a slope from the roof and can be opened upward to allow maximum access to the rear storage area.
heave to swell or bend upward under the pressure of powerful underlying force. [1/11 definitions]
high of a specified extent upward. [1/14 definitions]
hitch1 a jerky pull, esp. upward. [1/9 definitions]
hump to lift or bend (the back) upward. [2/6 definitions]
in one's way to block one's upward progress. [1/2 definitions]
laccolith a mass of igneous rock that has been forced between layers of sedimentary rock and has bulged them upward.
lift to move (something) upward; raise. [3/12 definitions]
Lombardy poplar a tall, very slender tree, with branches that curve sharply upward.
mount1 to move upward; rise. [1/10 definitions]
occlude in meteorology, to form a composite weather front by the action of cold air overtaking a warm front and forcing it upward. [1/5 definitions]
occluded front the air front formed when a cold front overtakes a warm front, forcing it upward.
occlusion an occluded front; the air front formed when a cold front overtakes a warm front, forcing it upward. [1/3 definitions]
perk1 to stick upward or outward (often fol. by "up"). [1/5 definitions]
perpendicular sloping sharply upward. [1/7 definitions]
pole bean any vinelike variety of bean that can twine upward around a pole, stake, trellis, or the like. (Cf. bush bean.)