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first-generation sometimes, denoting such a person's offspring born in the new country. [1/2 definitions]
generate to beget (offspring). [1/2 definitions]
generative of or pertaining to the production of offspring; procreative. [1/2 definitions]
gilt2 a young female pig that has not yet produced offspring.
give birth (of a female human or animal) to deliver offspring into the world.
half-blood among animals, the offspring of one pedigreed parent and one of mixed or unknown ancestry. [1/3 definitions]
half brother a male offspring related to siblings through one parent only.
half sister a female offspring related to siblings through one parent only.
hereditary of or pertaining to traits or tendencies that can be genetically transmitted from parent to offspring. [1/3 definitions]
heredity the genetic transmission of traits or tendencies from parent to offspring. [1/2 definitions]
hinny the hybrid offspring of a female donkey and a male horse. (Cf. mule1.)
hybrid the offspring of two plants or animals that differ genetically as to species, variety, breed, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
inbreed to produce as offspring of closely related individuals. [1/3 definitions]
interbreed to produce offspring by breeding with an individual of a different race or species. [2/4 definitions]
issue offspring; children. [1/10 definitions]
Kibei (sometimes l.c.) an offspring of Japanese immigrant parents who is born in the United States or Canada but educated in Japan. (See Issei, Nisei, Sansei.)
male a person or animal of the masculine sex; one that fathers rather than bears offspring. [1/3 definitions]
milk a white liquid produced by female mammals as food for their offspring. [1/7 definitions]
mulatto the offspring of one black and one white parent. [1/2 definitions]
mule1 the sterile, hybrid offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. [1/3 definitions]
multiparous producing more than one offspring at a time.