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flax a textile fiber made from the stems of these plants or the thread made from such fiber; linen fiber. [1/2 definitions]
floss silky thread with little twist used esp. in embroidery work. [2/5 definitions]
galloon a braid or trimming made of lace, metallic thread, or worsted.
gather to draw and pull a thread through (cloth) so as to make many small folds or puckers. [1/12 definitions]
hair any of the single, thin, thread-like strands that grow from the skin of mammals. [1/4 definitions]
hook to pull (loops of yarn or thread) through coarse cloth with a hook. [1/19 definitions]
lamé a fabric with metallic thread woven into it.
linen cloth, yarn, or thread made from flax. [1/3 definitions]
lisle a smooth, tightly twisted cotton thread, or the fabric made from it.
mercerize to treat (cotton thread or cloth) with sodium hydroxide to increase its strength, dye absorption, and luster.
needle a thin instrument shaped like a sliver, usu. of stainless steel with a hole at one end for thread and a sharp point at the other, used esp. for sewing or suturing. [1/7 definitions]
overcast a seam sewn with the thread running over and under the edges to prevent raveling. [1/5 definitions]
packthread a strong thread or twine used esp. to tie packages or bundles.
ply2 a strand, as one of many twisted together in yarn or thread. [1/2 definitions]
purfle to finish or adorn with a decorative border, esp. one consisting of beads, lace, metallic thread, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
purl1 a twisted thread of gold or silver, used in lacework, embroidery, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
quill a spool or spindle upon which yarn or thread can be wound. [2/6 definitions]
ravel of thread, rope, cloth, or the like, to become loose or undone; unravel. [1/4 definitions]
raveling a thread pulled from a piece of cloth.
rayon a thread made by converting a solution of a natural pulp, usu. cellulose, into filament by extruding through spinnerets. [2 definitions]
rethread combined form of thread.