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flesh the physical aspect of human beings, as opposed to the spiritual. [1/9 definitions]
he1 the male human being or animal that is under discussion or was recently referred to. [3 definitions]
head the body part of a human being or animal that contains the brain or primary nerve center and the facial features. [1/20 definitions]
Homo sapiens the scientific name for human beings or for mankind in general.
human a person; human being. [1/5 definitions]
humanity the race of human beings; mankind. [1/4 definitions]
human rights rights regarded as inherently belonging to all human beings, such as the rights to life, freedom, and dignity, and that supersede the rights of nations and governments.
individual a single human being; person. [1/5 definitions]
larger-than-life having qualities or behaviors that seem magnified or exaggerated beyond those of ordinary human beings; impressive; imposing.
machine a human being who performs or behaves with the regularity or predictability of a mechanical device, or appears to be without emotion. [1/6 definitions]
man human beings in general; the human race; all mankind. [1/9 definitions]
manlike like a male human being.
man-made made or formed by human beings; not natural.
manslaughter unlawful but unpremeditated killing of a human being. (Cf. murder.)
mensch human being (German, Yiddish); a kind, reliable, compassionate person.
misanthropy distrust or hatred of human beings.
mortal of or pertaining to humanity or human beings; human. [2/6 definitions]
natural rights basic rights, such as life and liberty, that are considered inherent rights of all human beings.
nature the physical world and living things as they exist apart from the activity or intervention of human beings. [1/9 definitions]
neck the part of the body of both human beings and animals that connects the head with the trunk. [1/4 definitions]
people human beings; persons. [1/7 definitions]