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floor to press (an automobile accelerator) to the floor. [1/9 definitions]
fret3 to press down the strings of an instrument between frets. [1/2 definitions]
impact to force or press closely into something. [1/5 definitions]
imprint to press or stamp (a mark), or to make a mark by pressing or stamping on (a surface). [1/5 definitions]
iron a heavy appliance with a flat surface that is heated to press wrinkles out of clothes, linens, and the like. [3/16 definitions]
Jesús Hernández Cuban journalist, founder of the independent news agency, Cooperativa Avileña de Periodistas Independientes (CAPI), and recipient of the 1999 International Press Freedom Award (b. 1974).
kiss to touch or press with the lips as a sign of love, affection, passion, or respect. [2/8 definitions]
machine tool an automatic or semiautomatic power-driven tool, such as a punch press, lathe, or drill, used to cut or shape metal in the manufacturing of machines and machine parts.
mangle2 to press (laundry) in a mangle. [1/2 definitions]
nestle to place or press snugly or affectionately. [1/3 definitions]
news release a specially prepared written item given to news media by a government or organization; handout or press release.
nip1 to press sharply between two points or surfaces, as by biting or pinching. [1/8 definitions]
overbear to bring down, press upon, or crush using force or weight. [1/3 definitions]
perfecting press a press that prints both sides of a sheet at the same time.
pinch to press forcefully between two surfaces, such as the fingers, parts of a tool, or the like. [1/11 definitions]
platen in a printing press, the flat plate or rotating cylinder that presses the paper against the inked surface. [1/2 definitions]
pleat to double over (fabric) in a fold and press or sew as a pleat. [1/2 definitions]
pressman a man who operates a printing press.
press release a statement prepared esp. for distribution to the press, as by a government or organization; news release.
presswork the operation or overseeing of a printing press. [2 definitions]
punch press a power-driven press used to shape metal by hammering or stamping.