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Dictionary Suite
food bank a group or agency responsible for such collection and distribution of food. [1/2 definitions]
formulary a collection of prescribed forms, as in a prayer book. [1/3 definitions]
garbage a collection of garbage or the container designated for garbage. [1/3 definitions]
gear a collection of such gears that acts as a unit in a machine. [2/8 definitions]
genotype a collection of living creatures with the same genetic makeup. [1/2 definitions]
Google (usually l.c.) to perform a Google search on the internet for a word, a collection of words, or a phrase. [1/3 definitions]
grab bag any miscellaneous group or collection of articles. [1/2 definitions]
group a collection of things, ideas, or people that are assembled, connected, or related; body; cluster; set. [1/5 definitions]
haze1 a collection in the air of very fine particles, as of mist, smoke, or dust, that partly obscures vision of distant objects. [1/2 definitions]
herbarium a collection of dried plants that have been systematically arranged and labeled, often for scientific use. [2 definitions]
hoard a collection or supply of something that is hidden, stored, or guarded, as for use at a later time or to keep it from being stolen; cache. [1/3 definitions]
kit1 a collection of articles for a specific use. [1/4 definitions]
kit and kaboodle (informal) every bit of a group or collection (usu. prec. by "whole").
kitty2 in cards, a collection of money from players' winnings to pay for refreshments or other expenses of the game. [1/3 definitions]
legend a story that cannot be verified but has importance among the people of a culture and has been handed down from earlier generations, or a collection of such stories, esp. as they relate to a specific event or persons of the past. [1/4 definitions]
levy the collection or conscription of money, property, or troops by a government or other authority. [1/4 definitions]
lexical of or concerning a collection of words, esp. those of a particular language, considered apart from their uses in syntactical structures. [1/2 definitions]
librarian a person trained to work in a library, or who maintains a particular collection of books.
library a specific collection of such materials. [1/2 definitions]
life the span between birth and death, or the collection of one's experiences during this span. [1/11 definitions]
linguistic atlas a collection of maps recording the geographical distribution of linguistic forms and usages.