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foot fault in tennis, a violation caused if both feet are not behind the base line when one is serving.
footwork the manner in which the feet are used or moved, as in sports such as tennis or boxing, or in dance. [1/3 definitions]
forecourt in tennis, the part of the court between the service line and the net. (Cf. backcourt.) [1/3 definitions]
forehand of a stroke in tennis or the like, performed with the palm facing forward. [3/4 definitions]
forehanded in tennis and similar sports, forehand. [2/3 definitions]
gallery a group of spectators, as at a golf or tennis match. [1/7 definitions]
game point the winning point in a game such as tennis. [1/2 definitions]
get in tennis and other sports, a difficult return of a ball. [1/17 definitions]
half volley a racket stroke, as in tennis, that hits the ball just as it bounces up after striking the ground.
Jimmy McDaniel U.S. tennis player, who, in a match against Don Budge in 1940, was the first African American to play a white champion (b. 1917).
lawn tennis tennis when played on a grass court.
linesman in sports such as tennis and football, an official who assists the referee, as by observing particular violations. [1/2 definitions]
lob a ball, esp. a tennis ball, hit or thrown in a high, often slow arc. [1/2 definitions]
love set a set in tennis in which the losing team or player wins no games.
match point the final point that must be scored to win a match, esp. in tennis.
net1 something made of such a fabric, as in various sports such as tennis, basketball, hockey, and soccer. [1/6 definitions]
paddle in table tennis and other sports, a similar, smaller device with a short handle used to hit the ball. [1/8 definitions]
paddleball a game played on a handball court following handball rules, but in which the ball, resembling a tennis ball, is hit with a short-handled, perforated paddle.
paddle tennis a modified form of tennis, handball, and squash played on an outdoor court with wooden paddles and a rubber ball.
passing shot in tennis, a shot that goes past an opponent who is at or moving towards the net.
Ping-Pong trademark for table tennis.