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fractionate to separate into ingredients, component parts, or the like, as by a chemical separation.
from used to indicate separation or distance. [1/5 definitions]
hiatus in anatomy, an opening or separation. [1/2 definitions]
integration the ending of racial separation or segregation, esp. as occurring in the United States. [1/3 definitions]
isolation the complete separation of an infectious person from other people, or the state of being thus separated. [2/3 definitions]
of used to indicate distance or separation from. [1/13 definitions]
palimony a form of alimony, granted or paid after the separation of an unmarried couple who have lived as though married for a substantial period.
parting a division; separation. [1/4 definitions]
parting of the ways a separation or point of departure.
precipitation in chemistry, the separation of particles from a solution. [1/3 definitions]
quarantine the enforced separation of people, animals, goods, or the like from others, so as to prevent the spread of contagious illness. [2/4 definitions]
reunion a meeting of friends, family, or past associates after a period of separation. [1/2 definitions]
reunite to come or bring together again after a period of separation.
segregate to require or enforce the separation or isolation of (a race, religious sect, class, or the like) from the dominant group in a society or from the society at large. [3/6 definitions]
segregation an act of segregating, or the condition of being segregated, esp. as a policy imposing social separation according to racial or ethnic groups. [2 definitions]
separatist one who advocates or participates in the separation of a political, religious, or racial group from a larger group to which it has belonged.
severance the act, process, or result of severing; breaking off; separation.
tangle to mix, knot, or entwine, making separation or straightening difficult (often fol. by "up"). [1/7 definitions]
wall an upright structure with a height much greater than its thickness, used for separation, protection, or enclosure. [1/8 definitions]