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gable any similar feature used as ornamentation, as above a window or door. [1/2 definitions]
glass any of several objects made of glass, such as a window, mirror, or barometer. [1/5 definitions]
glaze to install glass in (a window). [1/9 definitions]
glazier a person who is trained to install window glass.
glazing the act of cutting and fitting glass in a window or the like. [1/3 definitions]
grille a grating, often of metal, used as a screen, barrier, or decoration over an opening such as a window or the ventilation area of an engine.
holland linen or cotton cloth, often glazed, used to make window shades, upholstery, and clothing.
jalousie a shutter, blind, or window with overlapping horizontal slats that can be tilted to admit more or less light or air.
jamb the side, or side frame, of a door or window opening.
lancet window a tall narrow window terminating in a lancet arch.
lead2 to set (window glass) into position with leads. [1/10 definitions]
ledge a narrow, flat, horizontal projection from a vertical surface, esp. from a wall, as at the bottom of a window. [1/3 definitions]
lintel a supporting horizontal beam at the top of a doorway or window.
lock1 a mechanical device for preventing entry through a door or window or into a safe, usu. opened with a key or combination. [1/10 definitions]
louver any of a set of narrow openings between slanted horizontal slats in a door, window, or shutter. [1/3 definitions]
mullion a vertical divider, such as a strip between panes or sections of a window, wall panels, or the like.
ope (archaic) not closed, as a window or door; open. [1/2 definitions]
oriel a bay window that projects from a wall and is usu. supported from below by a bracket.
pane one of the glass sections of a window or door, or the sheet of glass that fills such a section. [1/2 definitions]
pediment a low pointed or curved gable atop a wall, entrance, window, cabinet, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
picture window a large window, often found in a living room, that is intended to offer a broad, framed view of the outside.