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gallium a silvery metal chemical element that has thirty-one protons in each nucleus, usu. forms a trivalent ion, and is often used in pure form in high-temperature thermometers because it melts at just above room temperature and remains liquid up to 1983 degrees Celsius. (symbol: Ga)
ghee the liquid butter that remains after the milk of cows or buffaloes has been boiled, used esp. in India.
greening any of various types of apple whose skin remains green when the fruit is ripe.
holdover someone or something that remains from an earlier period, such as a political appointee from a previous administration. [1/2 definitions]
limestone a sedimentary rock of calcium carbonate formed mostly from animal remains such as shells and used in building and in manufacturing cement, lime, and carbon dioxide.
no-till farming a method of farming that prepares the soil for planting without plowing or otherwise breaking into and turning over the soil forcefully with machinery. In no-till farming, residue of the previous crop remains on top of the soil, and the soil is cut into only slightly for seeding.
pantheon a public building that commemorates, or contains the remains of, a nation's revered dead. [1/4 definitions]
Peking man a type of early human whose fossil remains were found near Beijing, China.
peter out to decrease very, very gradually until nothing remains; dwindle to nothing.
relic the remains of, or an article associated with, a saint or martyr, treated as an object of religious veneration. [1/3 definitions]
remainder something that remains after other things have been taken away. [1/3 definitions]
remains unpublished writings left by an author at his death; literary remains. [1/4 definitions]
remnant a quantity, piece, or part that is left over or remains. [2/4 definitions]
residual a substance or quantity that remains after a process has been completed. [1/3 definitions]
residue a substance or quantity that remains after a part has been removed or after a process has been completed. [2 definitions]
rest2 a piece or part that remains. [1/3 definitions]
Rhodesian man an extinct primitive man of the late Pleistocene Era, whose skeletal remains, found in southern Africa, are similar to modern man except for a large skull and low, massive brow ridges.
roadkill the remains of an animal killed by being struck by a car or other vehicle. [1/2 definitions]
ruin (often plural) the remains of a structure after it has been severely damaged or left to decay. [1/10 definitions]
scar the mark that remains on living tissue when a wound or burn has healed, or on a stem when a leaf, flower, or fruit has dropped from a plant. [1/5 definitions]
screen memory in psychoanalysis, a recollection of early childhood that seems significant but actually masks a more profound related memory that remains repressed.