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gauche deficient in manners or other conventions of social behavior; boorish; crude.
hokum in a dramatic or written work, crude, trite, or mawkish material intended to arouse an emotional response from the audience or reader. [1/2 definitions]
hoyden of a girl or young woman, having a bold, high-spirited, or crude manner. [1/2 definitions]
hunk a large, crude, or clumsy piece; chunk. [1/2 definitions]
hut a small, crude, roofed shelter often made of wood and often having only two or three outer walls; shack. [1/2 definitions]
India rubber (sometimes l.c.) a crude natural rubber. [1/2 definitions]
lean-to a crude shelter with one sloping side which also serves as the roof, supported at the high end by trees, posts, or other upright members, and often open on the other ends or sides.
Neanderthal a crude, primitive person. [1/3 definitions]
Para rubber crude rubber obtained from any of several tropical spurge trees of South America.
peasant an unsophisticated country person, or a person considered to be crude and unlearned. [1/2 definitions]
pharmacognosy the science dealing with the plant, animal, and mineral sources and properties of drugs, esp. in their crude or unprepared states.
pig iron iron from a blast furnace that has not been refined or mixed with an alloy; crude iron. [1/2 definitions]
pipe bomb a crude homemade bomb made of a length of metal pipe into which an explosive charge is inserted.
plebeian pertaining to or characteristic of the common people; commonplace; crude. [1/5 definitions]
raw lacking refinement; crude. [1/8 definitions]
rough-and-ready rough or crude but adequate to meet a need. [1/2 definitions]
roughcast a rough or crude model, pattern, or preliminary form. [1/4 definitions]
rubber plant any of several plants that yield a milky sap from which crude rubber can be coagulated. [1/2 definitions]
smooth to make less crude; refine; polish. [1/14 definitions]
soda ash crude sodium carbonate, used in water treatment and the manufacture of industrial products.
sublimate to divert the expression of (a crude impulse or desire, often sexual) into a socially acceptable or more ideal form. [1/4 definitions]