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genteel exaggeratedly or affectedly polite and refined. [1/2 definitions]
gross vulgar or indecent; not refined or educated. [1/9 definitions]
haute cuisine (French) the preparation of food by elaborate, highly refined methods, esp. by skilled professional chefs.
ladylike like, characteristic of, or befitting a lady; cultivated; refined; well-bred. [1/2 definitions]
mixer a system by which sound recordings are refined by blending, changing volumes, and the like. [1/4 definitions]
molasses a thick dark brown syrup produced from sorghum or as a by-product when sugar is refined.
overrefined combined form of refined.
pig iron iron from a blast furnace that has not been refined or mixed with an alloy; crude iron. [1/2 definitions]
polish a refined manner of presentation or appearance; elegance. [1/8 definitions]
polished refined, elegant, or flawless. [1/2 definitions]
precious affected or excessively refined. [1/6 definitions]
proper behaving with excessively refined manners. [1/5 definitions]
rarefied elevated; exalted; refined. [1/3 definitions]
recherché very unusual, rare, or refined. [1/3 definitions]
refinement the act of refining or condition of being refined. [1/3 definitions]
sensibility the capacity for refined aesthetic discrimination. [1/4 definitions]
silken smooth or pleasing; graceful or refined. [1/2 definitions]
smooth refined; polished. [1/14 definitions]
sophisticated appealing to knowledgeable, experienced, or refined persons. [1/3 definitions]
spirituel having or exhibiting a refined nature and, esp., a quick graceful wit or mind.
superfine unusually or excessively elegant, refined, or discriminating. [1/2 definitions]