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glaze to apply a smooth, usu. bonded coating to (pottery) with heat. [6/9 definitions]
graniteware a variety of household ironware with a hard gray enamel coating that resembles granite. [1/3 definitions]
hoarfrost a white coating of tiny ice crystals that forms on the ground and other surfaces on some cold nights; frozen dew.
icing a sweet glaze for coating or decorating baked goods, esp. cakes; frosting.
jellybean a small, egg-shaped, colored candy that has a hardened sugar coating and a gelatinous center.
lacquer any of several glossy varnishes made from resin or cellulose and sometimes mixed with a solvent, used as a protective coating for wood and other materials. [1/2 definitions]
leaf a thin sheet or coating of metal. [1/7 definitions]
mealybug any of several destructive, soft-bodied, scalelike insects that secrete a white, powdery, waxy protective coating.
mucus a viscid substance that is secreted by the lubricating membrane that lines bodily passages and organs, and that acts as a moist, protective coating of their walls.
nickel plate a thin coating of nickel, usu. deposited by electroplating, that provides an inexpensive, protective cover for other metals.
passivate to form a protective coating on the surface of (a metal) to lessen its chemical activity.
plating a thin coating of gold, silver, or the like over a filler of another metal. [1/2 definitions]
prime to prepare (a surface) for painting by coating with a substance such as paint or oil. [1/17 definitions]
rime2 a white coating of tiny ice crystals; hoarfrost. [1/3 definitions]
rust the orange-red coating that forms on metal surfaces because of oxidation of the iron in their contents, by exposure to air and water. [1/6 definitions]
silver plate a plating or coating of silver, as done by electroplating. [1/2 definitions]
steam to come to have a coating of condensed vapor (often fol. by "up"). [1/11 definitions]
tar and feather to punish or humiliate by coating with tar and feathers. [1/2 definitions]
Teflon trademark for polytetrafluoroethylene, a substance used to provide a nonsticking coating on some cookware and industrial products.
tegmen a cover, coating, or integument, such as the tough forewing of certain insects or the inner coat of some seeds.
testa the outer, natural covering or coating of a seed; tegument.