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gobbet a piece or fragment, esp. of raw meat. [1/2 definitions]
green onion a variety of onion that is picked while very young, has a long green stem, and is often eaten raw; scallion.
half shell either of the two shells of a bivalve mollusk such as an oyster or clam, often used as a serving container for raw or cooked seafood.
home fries sliced raw or boiled potatoes fried in oil or shortening; home fried potatoes.
industry the activity or process of turning raw materials into finished goods, or a particular business that does this. [1/3 definitions]
isoprene a colorless, volatile, liquid compound distilled from raw rubber or manufactured synthetically, used mainly to make synthetic rubber.
manufacturing the process or business of producing a large quantity of products, often from raw materials, using machines and human labor.
marabou a raw silk that is dyed without removal of the natural gum, or a fabric or garment made of this silk. [1/3 definitions]
mill1 a place where raw grains are crushed and ground to produce flour. [2/9 definitions]
olive a small green or black fruit with a pit, eaten raw or used as a source of oil. [1/5 definitions]
omophagia the eating of raw meat.
rampion a European bellflower with thick white fleshy roots that can be cooked or used raw in salads. [1/2 definitions]
sashimi a Japanese dish of very thin slices of raw fish served with soy sauce.
seviche a Latin American seafood dish containing raw fish or shellfish marinated in lime juice with chilies, chopped tomatoes, and herbs.
steak tartare raw ground beef mixed with onion, seasonings, and raw egg and eaten uncooked, sometimes as an appetizer; tartar steak.
sushi a Japanese dish consisting of rice combined with vinegar and a sweetening agent, wrapped, esp. in seaweed, around raw fish or vegetables.
tartar steak raw ground beefsteak mixed with raw egg and seasonings and served with a garnish of parsley or capers; steak tartare.
Waldorf salad a salad made from diced raw apples, celery, mayonnaise, nuts, and sometimes raisins.