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goggle one of a pair of protective lenses with a shielding framework, worn to protect the eyes from debris, strong wind, harsh light, chlorinated water, and the like. [1/6 definitions]
goggles protective lenses held within a shielding framework, worn to protect the eyes from debris, strong wind, harsh light, chlorinated water, and the like.
grating2 (of a sound) harsh, jarring, or discordant. [1/2 definitions]
gravelly raspy or harsh-sounding. [1/2 definitions]
grim stern and unrelenting; harsh. [2/3 definitions]
grind to rub together in a harsh or grating manner. [2/12 definitions]
guttural harsh-sounding. [1/4 definitions]
hack1 to emit short, harsh coughs. [1/12 definitions]
hard marked by the ability to cause pain or do damage; severe; harsh. [2/11 definitions]
hard rock a style of rock music characterized by heavy amplification and harsh or distorted electric guitar.
hardy able to endure or survive harsh weather or adverse conditions; not easily killed. [1/2 definitions]
heavy-handed harsh or abusive in speech or treatment; severe. [1/2 definitions]
honk the harsh, resonant sound made by a goose. [1/5 definitions]
hoot to utter a loud, harsh shout or cry, esp. of disapproval or scorn. [2/7 definitions]
iron hand harsh or tight control, as by a despot.
jangle to emit a harsh, unmelodious sound, as of chains striking something. [2/4 definitions]
jar2 to emit a harsh, unpleasant, unmelodious sound. [2/9 definitions]
mild not harsh in flavor. [1/3 definitions]
noise loud, unpleasant, harsh, or unwanted sound. [1/6 definitions]
oppression harsh, unfair, burdensome acts or demands by a government or other authority. [1/3 definitions]
oppressive harsh, brutal, or cruel. [1/2 definitions]