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gonad a sex gland that produces sperm or eggs; testis or ovary.
hyperthyroidism abnormal overactivity of the thyroid gland, which results in high metabolism and bulging of the eyeballs if unchecked.
hypophysis see "pituitary gland."
luteinizing hormone a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that, in women, stimulates ovulation and the development of the corpus luteum and, in men, the secretion of testosterone.
lymph node any of the glandlike masses of tissue located along the lymphatic vessels which contain follicles that produce lymphocytes; lymph gland.
melatonin a hormone secreted by the pineal gland that is important in regulating the body's response to biological rhythms such as the light-dark cycle.
oxytocin a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that increases contractions of the uterus and stimulates milk production.
pancreas a gland located near the stomach that secretes a digestive juice into the intestine and insulin into the blood.
parathyroid positioned near the thyroid gland. [2 definitions]
parotid a parotid salivary gland. [1/2 definitions]
pineal gland a gland at the base of the brain that produces melatonin and regulates certain biological rhythms as well as other important functions.
pituitary a small, two-lobed gland of vertebrates that is located at the base of the brain and produces important metabolic and developmental hormones; pituitary gland; hypophysis. [4 definitions]
prostate see "prostate gland." [2 definitions]
prostate gland the muscular gland that surrounds the urethra at the base of the bladder in male mammals, and that secretes a fluid discharge for sperm.
secretion the act or process, in a cell or gland, of separating or generating a fluid or other substance from body cells or fluids and then releasing it into the body's system. [1/2 definitions]
secretory a gland, vessel, or the like that secretes. [1/2 definitions]
stimulus something that provokes a response, esp. in an organ, nerve, or gland. [1/2 definitions]
submaxillary a body part, such as a nerve or gland, that is located in, on, or below the lower jaw. [1/2 definitions]
suprarenal a part of the body on or above the kidney, esp. the adrenal gland. [1/2 definitions]
sweetbread the thymus gland or pancreas of a young animal, used as food.
thymus a vestigial ductless gland or glandular structure found in vertebrates, usu. at the base of the neck, that is active during childhood in modifying white blood cells and building resistance to disease, but becomes inactive in the adult.