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grace cup a cup passed around for toasts after grace at the end of a meal. [1/2 definitions]
Grail in medieval legend, the cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, traditionally a symbol of Christian purity and the object of spiritual quests; Holy Grail. [1/2 definitions]
half pint in the US, a unit of capacity equal to one fourth of a quart, 8 fluid ounces, or 236.6 milliliters; a cup. [1/3 definitions]
hole in golf, to hit (the ball) into the cup. [1/9 definitions]
lip the edge of a container such as a cup; rim. [1/5 definitions]
loving cup a large, usu. silver drinking cup with two or more handles by which it was passed from guest to guest at banquets or other festive gatherings, now often given as a sports trophy.
measuring cup a graduated cup used esp. in cooking for measuring ingredients, or a cup intended to hold one specific amount of an ingredient.
Mia Hamm U.S. professional soccer player and Olympic gold medalist, who at the age of 19 became the youngest woman to win a World Cup championship; born Mariel Margaret Hamm (b.1972).
mug a tall, cylindrical, often heavy drinking cup of pottery, glass, or metal, usu. with a handle. [2/4 definitions]
noggin a small mug or cup. [1/4 definitions]
plumber's helper (informal) a large suction cup on a handle, used to clear drains; plumber's friend; plunger.
plunger a large suction cup with a long handle, used to clear blockages in pipes. [1/3 definitions]
pome a fruit, such as the apple or pear, having an edible inner seed-bearing flesh derived from the carpels of the flower and an outer fleshy shell derived from the floral cup.
porringer a shallow bowl or cup, often with a handle, used esp. by children for soup, hot cereal, or the like.
saber a dueling or fencing sword with a cup-shaped hand guard and a two-edged blade. [1/3 definitions]
saucer a small shallow dish on which a cup may be set, or an object that resembles such a dish.
spill-proof designed to prevent spilling, as a cup or jug.
teacup a small cup, usu. used for serving tea or the like. [1/2 definitions]
thimble a small cup, usu. of metal or plastic, used to protect the finger that pushes the needle through cloth in sewing.
tiddlywinks (used with a sing. verb) a table game in which the players press large plastic disks against the rims of small ones in order to flick the latter into a cup.
tulip a cultivated plant that grows from a bulb and bears large lance-shaped leaves and large brightly-colored, cup-shaped flowers. [1/2 definitions]