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grade to make level or even. [1/9 definitions]
high time just the appropriate time, or even past it.
hydra a many-sided problem that persists or grows worse even after part of it is solved. [1/4 definitions]
imbricate overlapping in an even sequence, as roof tiles or fish scales. [2/3 definitions]
impartial not partial or prejudiced; even-handed or objective.
indulge to allow (oneself or another) to have what is desired even if the desire is capricious, unhealthy, or excessive. [1/3 definitions]
justified having lines of text whose ends are aligned so as to form a straight edge and even margins. [1/2 definitions]
justify to make (margins or lines of type) even throughout a text by setting the spacing of each line. [1/5 definitions]
legato in a smooth, even, and connected style, with no noticeable breaks between the notes (used as a musical direction).
level having a flat, even surface. [2/15 definitions]
lick (informal) even a small amount. [1/11 definitions]
line up to make (two or more things) even with each other along a certain line, or make (one thing) even with another thing. [2/4 definitions]
marcel a once-popular hairstyle consisting of deep, even waves put into the hair with a curling iron. [2 definitions]
midterm election in the U.S., an election typically featuring candidates for Congress, state legislatures, and state governors that occurs during an even-numbered year that is not a year during which a presidential election is held.
might as well used to indicate an alternative course of action that cannot be any worse than what one is currently doing and may be the best course of action, even though it may not be the ideal thing or the thing that one had originally planned. [1/2 definitions]
neck and neck holding almost the same position; even.
nip and tuck very close; almost even, as in a race.
notwithstanding all the same; nevertheless; even so. [1/3 definitions]
odds-on having an even or more than even chance at winning or succeeding, as in a horserace or athletic contest.
once even one time; ever. [1/7 definitions]
Orpheus in Greek mythology, a poet and musician whose music moved even lifeless things and who almost brought his wife, Eurydice, back from the dead, but failed because he turned and looked at her before they reached the upper world.