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graffito something written, scratched, or drawn on a wall or the like, esp. in a public place by a private individual not hired or authorized to do so. [1/2 definitions]
judge a legally trained public official who is authorized to preside over and decide cases brought before a court; magistrate. [1/10 definitions]
King James Version the English version of the Bible published in 1611 under the authorization of King James I; Authorized Version.
Latin Rite the authorized rites of the Roman Catholic Church, esp. those that use liturgical Latin.
legal authorized or permitted by law. [1/2 definitions]
legislature a governmental assembly authorized to make, change, or revoke the laws of a state or nation.
letter of marque formerly, a government document that authorized a ship captain to seize the ships of other nations.
lockdown a method to restrict the use of a computer network to only authorized users in order to prevent damage. [1/3 definitions]
medical examiner a public official authorized to perform autopsies on the bodies of persons thought to have died of unnatural causes; coroner. [1/2 definitions]
minister a person authorized to perform or assist with religious ceremony and worship; pastor. [2/4 definitions]
official authorized, formal, and public. [1/4 definitions]
paymaster a person employed or authorized by an organization to pay wages and salaries.
pharmacopoeia a book that contains an authorized list of drugs and other medicines, along with information on their preparation, use, and effects. [1/2 definitions]
Pilate the Roman governor of Judea who presided at the trial of Jesus Christ and authorized his crucifixion; Pontius Pilate.
presidium in certain Communist countries, any of various permanent administrative committees authorized to act for larger governmental bodies when the larger one is in recess. [1/2 definitions]
privileged restricted to a select or authorized individual, group, or class of people. [1/4 definitions]
proxy a person who is authorized to act for or on behalf of another, esp. as a voter; substitute. [1/3 definitions]
ration a fixed amount allotted by an authority, as of scarce goods in wartime; authorized share. [2/5 definitions]
representative functioning as an elected or otherwise chosen member to a legislative assembly, and authorized to act on behalf of a constituency. [1/10 definitions]
royal appropriate to, or done or authorized by a monarch, sovereign, or member of their family. [1/5 definitions]
trust territory a territory that is administered by a country or countries authorized to do so by the United Nations.