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gratuitous given or done without sufficient reason or justification; unwarranted. [1/2 definitions]
ill-advised entered into without sufficient counsel or deliberation; unwise.
independent not needing the support or advice of another; self-sufficient. [1/5 definitions]
insufficient inadequate in number, degree, amount, or quality; not sufficient.
legroom space sufficient for one to stretch out or change the position of one's legs comfortably while sitting.
mess an amount of something, usu. edible, sufficient for a single person or occasion. [1/11 definitions]
monkey (informal) to play idly, mischievously, or without sufficient knowledge or caution (often fol. by "with"). [1/3 definitions]
out to a sufficient degree; to a conclusion. [1/29 definitions]
pin the blame on to assign the blame for something to (a particular person or group), sometimes dishonestly or without sufficient evidence.
pipeful a quantity of tobacco sufficient to fill a pipe.
pittance an allowance so small as to be insufficient or barely sufficient for expenses. [1/2 definitions]
point of no return the point in an aircraft's flight when it lacks sufficient fuel to return to its starting point, and must thus proceed forward. [1/2 definitions]
prejudge to judge or form an opinion of before gathering sufficient knowledge or evidence.
rationalism in theology, the doctrine that the rational human mind is sufficient for acquiring full religious truth. [1/3 definitions]
spare barely sufficient; meager. [1/14 definitions]
speculate to put forward (a guess or a theory) despite lack of sufficient evidence (fol. by a clause). [1/5 definitions]
substantial sufficient to maintain; sustaining. [1/8 definitions]
suffice to meet needs, goals, or the like adequately; be sufficient. [1/2 definitions]
sufficiency the state or condition of being sufficient. [1/2 definitions]
superfluous being beyond a sufficient amount; excessive. [1/2 definitions]
to go around to be sufficient for the number of people or for some purpose.