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green of a company or industry, producing energy-efficient or recyclable products and producing them in a way that conserves energy generated from fossil fuels while contributing little to environmental pollution. [1/17 definitions]
high-tech a style of design, esp. interior design, or a type of material that suggests modern industry by being metallic or plastic, having simple utilitarian lines, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
Hollywood a section of Los Angeles that is often considered to be the center of the U.S. film industry or to represent the industry's values, lifestyle, or the like.
industrial of or pertaining to the production of goods and services by industry. [2/5 definitions]
industrialism economic or social organization based on mechanized industry.
industrialize to introduce industry into (a country, region, or the like); make industrial. [1/2 definitions]
industrial park a tract of land provided with the public utilities, zoning regulations, and the like required by, and designed to attract, industry.
industrial union a labor union that represents the workers in an entire industry rather than only those engaged in one craft or a related group of crafts.
interindustry combined form of industry.
meatpacking the process or industry of slaughtering animals, and processing and packaging the meat for market.
mechanize to introduce the use of machinery into (an industry, work force, or the like). [1/3 definitions]
monopolize in business, to dominate or set out to dominate (an industry); maintain or acquire a monopoly over. [1/2 definitions]
movie (pl.) motion pictures collectively, or the motion picture industry (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/3 definitions]
multi-industry combined form of industry.
nonindustry combined form of industry.
operative one who is employed in a particular kind of work, esp. in industry. [1/6 definitions]
pisciculture the breeding, hatching, and rearing of fish as a science or industry; fish farming.
pork barrel (informal) a government bill or appropriation specifically designed to benefit a particular locale or industry in order to ingratiate legislators with their constituents.
postindustrial of or designating a society in which the importance of heavy industry is declining, relative to that of technology and service industries.
privatization the conversion of an industry, business, or the like from government ownership or control to ownership or control by the private sector.
protect in economics, to guard the secure growth of (an industry) by means of tariffs on competing goods from other countries. [1/3 definitions]