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greenwash to present one's business enterprise as being more concerned about the preservation of the environment than it really is.
greenwashing the practice of presenting one's business enterprise as being more concerned about the preservation of the environment than it really is.
ground floor (informal) a favorable opportunity or position, esp. in or at the beginning of a business enterprise. [1/2 definitions]
laissez faire an economic policy or doctrine that opposes government interference in or regulation of business or commerce beyond what is necessary for a free-enterprise system to regulate itself. [1/2 definitions]
manager one who directs, controls, or administers a business or other enterprise. [1/3 definitions]
merge to unite in a single enterprise or body, as two or more previously independent business organizations. [1/5 definitions]
multinational denoting or pertaining to a business enterprise with offices, operations, or investments in several countries. [1/3 definitions]
nursing home a residence, usu. operated as a public or commercial enterprise, that offers nursing care to the disabled, elderly, or the like.
out of business in or into a state of total inactivity as a commercial enterprise; defunct as a business.
pioneer to explore or settle new territory, or to be among the earliest in some new enterprise, research, or the like. [1/7 definitions]
private enterprise an economic system subject to limited government regulation in which the means of production are privately owned; free enterprise.
prop. abbreviation of "proprietor," an owner, or group of owners, of a business enterprise, real property, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
proprietary owned and operated, produced, or sold only by a private individual or business enterprise. [1/6 definitions]
proprietor an owner, or group of owners, of a business enterprise, real property, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
silent partner one who invests financially in a business or enterprise but does not become actively involved otherwise.
sophomore someone in the second year of an enterprise. [1/2 definitions]
start to help (someone) begin a project, enterprise, or the like. [1/15 definitions]
subsidiary a business enterprise controlled by another company. [1/5 definitions]
undercapitalize to provide or secure too little capital for (a business enterprise).
venture an undertaking or enterprise that involves risk or is of uncertain outcome. [1/6 definitions]