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groin the hollow of the joint between the thigh and the abdomen, including the external genitalia. [1/4 definitions]
gut (informal) the abdomen; belly. [1/11 definitions]
hypochondrium either of the upper areas of the abdomen on the sides, near the lower ribs.
insect any of a group of small invertebrate animals that have segmented bodies, three pairs of legs, and usually one or two sets of wings. An insect's body is segmented into head, thorax, and abdomen. [1/3 definitions]
laparoscope a medical instrument, inserted in the abdomen by surgery, that is used for viewing the abdominal or pelvic organs.
mesentery the membrane that encloses the small intestine and connects it to the spinal wall of the abdomen.
mesothelium the cell layer that lines such body cavities as the heart, chest, and abdomen.
mons pubis the raised mound of flesh below the abdomen of the adult male, covered by pubic hair.
mons veneris the raised mound of flesh below the abdomen of the adult female, covered by pubic hair.
musk a strong-smelling secretion produced in a glandular sac underneath the skin of the male musk deer's abdomen. [1/3 definitions]
navel the place on the abdomen of a mammal where the umbilical cord of the fetus was attached; umbilicus. [1/2 definitions]
ovipositor a tubular organ in many female insects, usu. at the end of the abdomen, for depositing eggs. [1/2 definitions]
pagurid any of a family of marine crustaceans that have a soft abdomen and live in empty snail shells; hermit crab. [1/2 definitions]
paunch the belly or abdomen, esp. a large protruding belly.
peritoneum the membrane that lines the abdomen and encloses the abdominal organs.
petiole a stalklike anatomical structure, such as that connecting the thorax and abdomen of certain insects. [1/2 definitions]
potbelly a large, round, protruding abdomen. [1/2 definitions]
pouch a natural pocket of skin, esp. one on the abdomen of a female marsupial that is used to hold and carry young. [1/6 definitions]
pubic of, pertaining to, or located in the area of the lower abdomen that includes the front portion of the pelvis.
solar plexus the area of the abdomen just below the sternum; pit of the stomach. [1/2 definitions]
stomach the front part of the torso below the chest; belly; abdomen. [1/6 definitions]