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halter1 a rope or strap with a bitless headstall that is set on the head or neck, as of a horse or ox, to restrain or guide the animal. [1/5 definitions]
hand to guide or help with the hand. [1/17 definitions]
helm to steer or guide. [1/3 definitions]
holy man in some cultures, one who is attributed with the power to heal the sick and to guide the community. [1/2 definitions]
horsewhip a whip used to guide, steer, drive, or control a horse. [1/2 definitions]
hypothesis a proposed explanation that accounts for observed phenomena or known facts and that can be used to guide further investigation. [1/3 definitions]
jerkline a rope used in place of reins to guide a large team of horses.
jig1 a device used to hold material being cut, tooled, or the like, or to guide a tool. [1/4 definitions]
landmark a feature of the landscape that serves as a point of reference, a guide for travelers, or a boundary marker. [1/5 definitions]
lead1 to conduct or give direction to; guide. [1/20 definitions]
lightship a ship equipped with sirens, lights, foghorns, and the like that is moored in dangerous waters to guide other ships.
lodestar a star that serves as a guide or reference point, esp. the North Star. [1/2 definitions]
mentor a guide and counselor, esp. one who plays a significant role in a person's intellectual, professional, or personal development. [1/2 definitions]
mislead to guide in a wrong direction. [1/2 definitions]
moderate to direct, guide, or preside over (a discussion, meeting, or the like). [1/9 definitions]
muleta in bullfighting, a short red cape used by a matador to guide the bull just before the kill.
neck-rein to guide (a horse) by pressure of the reins on the side of the neck. [1/2 definitions]
outrider one who rides before a vehicle, wagon train, procession, or the like as a scout, guide, or escort. [1/2 definitions]
pattern a guide; model. [1/9 definitions]
pilot someone who leads or shows the way; guide. [2/6 definitions]
policy1 a set of principles that is used as a guide for action, esp. in a government or business. [1/2 definitions]