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halve to divide into two equal parts. [1/4 definitions]
hyphen a sign (-) used to join the parts of a compound word or to divide a word between syllables, as at the end of a line.
hyphenate to write, connect, or divide with a hyphen. [1/2 definitions]
indivisible of a number, impossible to divide exactly. [1/2 definitions]
inseparable impossible or difficult to divide or to conceive of as separate; tending to remain together.
laminate to divide into thin sheets or layers. [1/6 definitions]
layer to divide something into layers. [1/5 definitions]
lot to divide (land) into lots or portions. [1/8 definitions]
paragraph to divide or arrange into paragraphs. [1/3 definitions]
part to divide or break (something) into parts. [2/18 definitions]
partition that which serves to separate or divide, esp. a wall or partial wall that separates parts of a room. [2/6 definitions]
plot2 to divide (land) into small pieces. [1/2 definitions]
portion to divide into parts; distribute parts of (often fol. by "out"). [1/4 definitions]
prorate to divide, allocate, or assess proportionately.
quadrant in the standard Cartesian coordinate system, one of the four regions into which the vertical and horizontal axes divide the plane. [1/5 definitions]
quarter to divide into four equal parts. [1/15 definitions]
redivide combined form of divide.
saw1 to cut or divide as if with a saw. [1/6 definitions]
screen an upright movable shield to provide privacy or divide a room. [1/9 definitions]
-sect to cut or divide.
section to cut, divide, or separate into sections. [1/9 definitions]